What is Golf with Freedom?
Imagine playing golf without swing thoughts, check-lists or formulas to remember. Imagine what your swing might feel like if you just knew you were going to hit it solid or if you mis-hit a shot you weren't afraid of doing it again. And imagine being able to coach yourself so that every practice session and every round of golf could be filled with enjoyment, learning and satisfaction...
Since 2008 Golf with Freedom has provided a refreshingly uncommon learning environment where students can re-discover their instincts while freely exploring and discovering what's possible. Each private coaching session, group class, workshop or golf school is designed with the student in order for them to experience extraordinary and lasting breakthroughs in golf and in life.
The Vision
We are committed to shifting the culture of golf from tips, techniques and formulas to one filled with exploration, discovery and freedom. This includes creating an environment where golfers are encouraged to explore, take risks, re-connect to their instincts and truly discover what's possible.
What's Possible
Learn how you learn
Re-discover your instincts
Grow awareness and trust
How to identify and manage interference
Grow your capacities to self-coach
Develop solid contact
Increase accuracy
Discover effortless power
Explore creativity and adaptability
Play golf with freedom
"When letting go becomes more important than the quality of your shots,
the quality of your shots will amaze you."
- Fred Shoemaker, Extraordinary Golf